Feeling tired throughout? It isn’t a lack of sleep, it may be a lack of electrolytes.
How do you know you are low in electrolytes?
General fatigue and weariness, your energy output at work are slow and unenthusiastic. You feel like sleeping, but sleep does not help replenish the energy. This is one of the signs that your body requires electrolytes. Drink for energy, and drink electrolytes to keep you active.
What can electrolytes do?
If you drink electrolyte-rich fluids it will balance the water level in your body, enrich the cells with nutrition, remove waste from the body, keep the nerves alert and active and send the right signals to the body. Muscles will relax and the brain and heart will function properly. Electrolyte balance in the body will activate the right impulse.
Electrolytes are essential minerals that include sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphate, chloride, and bicarbonates. Don't let the electrolyte balance fall to maintain proper body function.
If there is an electrolyte imbalance, you will feel restless, suffer from insomnia and rapid, shallow breathing. You may also feel a continuous headache, confusion, dizziness, and nausea. This feeling will leave you unwell and fatigued. In severe cases, there may be muscle spasms and diarrhoea.
What must you do to recharge the electrolytes in your body?
You need to take a power-packed swig of Prolyte! The beverage is packed with vital electrolytes, Vitamin C and other essentials that your body needs to keep its energy levels high.
So, the next time you feel fatigued or tired, don’t brush it off or grab a cold drink. Instead, focus on loading your body with vital electrolytes so that you can bounce back and go for the win!